Summer 2016 | Recently, I completed another year of guiding purposeful high school seniors, as they trudged through the perplexing college application process. There were moments when the expectations seemed daunting. However, when the last application was submitted, I believe there was not only a sense of great relief, but also one of fulfillment. As I reflected on how applications have a deeper significance than securing a place in a college of choice, I shared these thoughts in my letters of congratulation. (Continue reading...) |
May 2015 | As I guide students developing their plans for college, we work together to define and reach their goals. I focus on successful outcomes, and I am overjoyed when students are accepted to their dream school. However, I know from experience that first choices are not always realized. For the initial moment a rejection may be too difficult to bear. Once the shock subsides, however, I count on our careful planning process to allow them to select an alternative college that will provide a meaningful and satisfactory college opportunity. (Continue reading...) |
January 2015 | It is another new year. They certainly seem to begin and end with great speed. My mind immediately focuses on my high school seniors who are making plans for next year. A few have a clear sense of the college they will be attending. For them, the uncertainty is over. More are not going to make that decision until the news arrives in the Spring. Wherever the year 2015-6 takes you, it will be in an academic environment where you will have the opportunity to participate in courses and programs that will be intellectually stimulating. (Continue reading...) |
Summer 2014 | Another academic year is coming to an end, and with it comes closure on the tempest of college applications. The angst of selecting a college for the next step in education is done, and the transitioning into that promised Nirvana is at hand. Some will be heading to the school of their dreams; others will be discovering that there is more than one school that will fulfill their dreams. (Continue reading...) |
Spring 2013 | From Star Trek come the words, "If man is to survive, he will have learned to take delight in the essential differences between men and between cultures. He will learn that differences in ideas and attitudes are a delight, part of life's exciting variety, not something to fear." (Continue reading...) |
Winter 2013 | At this time of year the early news from colleges reaches students eager for acceptances. Some of the news will be good. And, inevitably, some of it will be disappointing. However, none of the news will be life threatening. Indeed, the old saying, "When one door closes, another opens" should come into each disappointed student's consciousness. For there will be other satisfying avenues to colleges resulting in successes as yet unknown. There is no one road to such successes. What follows is a testimony to this truth. (Continue reading...) |
Spring 2012 | Every once in a while an opportunity presents itself that becomes memorable. I had such an opportunity recently at the Spring conference of IECA (Independent Educational Consultants Association) in Boston, when I was invited to introduce a Keynote Speaker, Wes Moore. (Continue reading...) |
Winter 2011 | Waiting. . . These are anxious days for my students who are waiting to hear the news on their early applications to college. They are great kids who have thoughtfully chosen to apply to colleges that provide them with a very good match for their interests, their abilities ---and their personas. The colleges they have selected would be fortunate to have them as students in their college communities. Yet, the jury is out as to whether they will get the answers they deserve. (Continue reading...) |
Spring 2011 | As graduation season arrives, so do the messages in commencement addresses celebrating graduates as the promise for the future. The caps are tossed in the air capturing the euphoria of having successfully completed four years of college. The graduates are ready to fulfill their promise. However, in this current time of high unemployment in America, it may be difficult to do so, at least immediately. Much has been said, recently, about the difficulties college graduates face finding jobs that match their education and their abilities. (Continue reading...) |
Fall 2010 | It is almost Thanksgiving. WOW! It seems as though it was just summer, with my students headed for college in the Fall of 2010 digging into the application process. Thanksgiving is a special date for me. In addition to it being my favorite holiday of the year, it is the deadline I give my students for completing all applications: Early Decision; Early Action; and Regular Admissions (even though the latter may be held in readiness to submit by the beginning of 2011). And I am delighted to say that this year all of my seniors are meeting that deadline. Indeed, they have done excellent work on their applications. Hopefully, they will reap good rewards! (Continue reading...) |
Summer 2010 | Not all who wander are lost, so Tolkien has told us. And so I am reminded each time I wear one of my favorite Life is Good t-shirts to enjoy some leisure time activity. So I was particularly pleased to hear these words from Soledad O'Brien, CNN anchor, recently, as she accepted the challenge of writing to her 17 year old self, 17 years later. What did she wish she had known then that she knows now? (Continue reading...) |
Fall 2009 | For the past year I have been wrestling with my concerns about the exposure that individuals face when jumping into social media. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Blogs --- they have lifted the veil of privacy. I have agonized over the possibility that some of my clients would be caught "out there" with entries that would boomerang if a college admissions office chose to check them out. And certainly, colleges seem to do so, judging by the sad tales I have heard of students being rejected because of entries found in the social media. (Continue reading...) |
Spring 2009 | Recently, I found myself uncharacteristically glued to the television on a beautiful Sunday afternoon to observe the graduation ceremonies taking place at the University of Notre Dame. To be sure, I was interested to see how President Obama would be received as an honorary degree recipient and the keynote speaker in light of all the controversy that had been sparked by his invitation from this eminent university. I was pleased to see that the ceremonies went smoothly with little disruption. However, I was inspired by Notre Dame's example of the amazing power of higher education. (Continue reading...) |
Fall 2008 | Considering the economic crisis, many colleges anticipated that there would be a decline in early applications this Fall. Yet, as the applications rolled in, the numbers were up, for both public and private institutions, sometimes dramatically. Deans of Admission do not have an explanation. I would like to believe, as one college counselor suggested that, "Education is the last thing people are willing to give up." (Continue reading...) |
Summer 2008 | At this time of year, as the curtain comes down on high school -- as all eyes are on college -- graduating seniors are showered with advice on how to get the most out of the college years and life beyond. I would like to offer a touch of advice that came to me some years ago in the college application essay of a very special student. (Continue reading...) |
Fall 2007 | When I first meet a student, I am very interested to learn what colleges he and his parents have considered and what has prompted their interest. Most often we have to work from that beginning to a reality check, answering questions that hone in on colleges that will provide a good match. (Continue reading...) |
Spring 2007 | The school year 2006-2007 is almost history. It is time to look back on how my senior students came through the challenging college selection process. I am delighted with the broad array of colleges that welcomed them, including: Amherst; Ball State; Brown; Connecticut College; U of Central Florida; U of Delaware; Elon; U of Florida; Florida Atlantic University; Florida Gulf Coast; Florida State; Georgetown; George Mason; George Washington; James Madison; Lafayette; Marquette; U of Miami; Muhlenberg; U of North Carolina; Notre Dame; U of Pittsburgh; Providence College; Rollins; Shippensburg; Southern Methodist; Stevens Institute; U of Tampa; Trinity (CT); Tufts; Villanova; Wellesley; Wesleyan; William & Mary. (Continue reading...) |
Fall 2006 | Recently, I came across compelling words from Mahatma Gandhi: “Be the change that you want to see in the world.” (Continue reading...) |
Summer 2006 | In May, I traveled to Chicago to visit a number of Chicago area colleges and universities and to attend the conference of the Independent Educational Consultants Association (IECA). (Continue reading...) |
Spring 2006 | There are two issues relating to the college application process pervading my thoughts at this moment: the pressure on prospective students and their parents as they approach the final year of high school – then wait out the college decisions; and the primacy of the SAT and ACT as a gatekeeper within that process. (Continue reading...) |
Fall 2005 | It is that time of year – personal essay time. All of my students are in search of writing the perfect personal essay. What is it? (Continue reading...) |
Summer 2005 | May brought an opportunity to re-charge my professional batteries. The Independent Educational Consultants Association (IECA) semi-annual conference was held in Denver. There were seminars on a variety of current issues confronting colleges and universities, as well as valuable exchanges with my fellow consultants from across the USA and throughout the world. Going to Colorado also afforded visits to several campuses, including Denver University, University of Colorado, Regis University, Colorado College, Colorado School of Mines, and The Air Force Academy. (Continue reading...) |
Spring 2005 | April is a new beginning. For seniors it brings closure to the application year and brings you to the moment of decision. Now it is time to make a choice: which college will I attend. Hopefully, the choice is clear and the match is good. Ideally, the college that wants you is the college you want. As a counselor, I celebrate the successes and agonize over the occasional disappointments of my students. For a number of years, the competition for the top schools has escalated. This year sets new records. Setting new application and admissions records seems to be an annual event. (Continue reading...) |
Summer 2004 | Recently returned from my semi-annual IECA (Independent Educational Consultants Association) Conference in Boston, I am in the process of digesting all the valuable insights I gleaned while visiting a number of colleges and attending a series of seminars on college issues and trends. (Continue reading...) |